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Platform for monitoring and evaluating of the Smart Cities distribution systems

MESC is a coordinated project that aims contributing to improve efficiency of distribution systems in smart cities by means of the application of advanced monitoring.

The project envisions a platform to support monitoring procedures for distribution systems in Smart Cities. This requires a software engineering vision to specify a reference architecture that supports variability for different domains (energy, water, city mobility, etc.), vendors, etc. Under this perspective the consortium combines expertise of UdG on data driven monitoring methods (modeling, fault detection and diagnosis and benchmarking) with excellence of UPM on software engineering.


This project has been funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, MINECO of the Spanish Government (project ref. DPI2013-47450-C2-1-R). Coordinated project, participated by two research groups: eXIT(Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems) from the Universitat de Girona and SYST (System & Software Technology) from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), that aims contributing to improve efficiency of distribution systems in smart cities by means of the application of advanced monitoring.

The project envisions a platform to support monitoring procedures for distribution systems in Smart Cities. This requires a software engineering vision to specify a reference architecture that supports variability for different domains (energy, water, city mobility, etc.), vendors, etc. Under this perspective the consortium combines expertise of UdG on data driven monitoringmethods (modeling, fault detection and diagnosis and benchmarking) with excellence of UPM on software engineering. Thus, the project relies on two main concerns:

1) Adapting data-driven methods for process supervision to cope with energy efficiency monitoring (measure and verification procedures, consumption pattern modelling and discovering, etc.). New methods, based on these techniques will be developed to solve energy efficiency challenges including fault and loses (leakage) detection, identification of emergent behaviours, pattern discovery and consumers benchmarking.

2) Specifying technical and functional requirements to design a reference architecture for distribution systems’ in Smarts Cities. Service oriented solutions will be proposed to cope with the desired interoperability of this type of large systems. Real time and big data access and management will be analysed to support real time monitoring that provides the data that is the input for the monitoring algorithms and their functionalities. Furthermore, aspects as scalability, variability, and interoperability will be held into consideration, and used as drivers for architecture assessment.

Project results will be tested in use cases under two scenarios: urban water distribution system and energy distribution systems in buildings. Contributions to monitor the efficiency of distribution systems will have a mid and long term impact related with the reduction of energy consumption and water losses. Collaboration with EPOs allows envisioning exploitation of results of the project as software solutions to assist energy and water consultancy and management procedures. In a short term, results obtained during the deployment of use cases will have a direct impact in the scenarios that will be quantified according indicators.

The project tackles three focus areas of the third societal European challenge “Secure, clean and efficient energy”: energy efficiency, smart cities and water; and fits with the objective of developing ICT based energy management tools to enable the development of Energy efficient and smart buildings and neighborhoods. At national level, this vision is split in two societal challenges: “Secure, clean and efficient energy (Ch3)” and “Economy and digital society (Ch7)”. Although, the proposal is aligned with national objective of increasing social awareness and promoting technologies towards lower energy consumption patterns described in the societal challenge three “Secure, clean and efficient energy”, it better fits Ch7 “Economy and digital society” where specific priorities on Smart Cities and ICT applications address the necessity of advanced services for new sustainable models, energy efficiency and energy management..

Project details

Code: DPI2013-47450-C2-1-R.

Research areas: Services and Software Technologies

Status: Finished.

Project leader: Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Members: Jenifer Pérez Benedí; Agustín Yagüe Panadero; Jessica Díaz Fernández; Norberto Cañas de Paz; Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Start date:01-01-2014

End date:30-06-2016

Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

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    personales que sean inexactos con respecto a los fines para los que se

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