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Flexible Integration in Global Product Development

The FLEXI project resulted in major improvements in productivity for embedded systems software development across large enterprises. Some 58 trials of the agile approach demonstrated concrete impacts on production innovation, reduction in lead times for new products and cutting integration time in major software development projects.


The FLEXI project resulted in major improvements in productivity for embedded systems software development across large enterprises. Some 58 trials of the agile approach demonstrated concrete impacts on production innovation, reduction in lead times for new products and cutting integration time in major software development projects.

Few industrial or consumer products can now function without software. Agile offers a particularly flexible approach for embedded software by promoting development iterations throughout the project life cycle. This approach was demonstrated successfully at the team level in the earlier ITEA AGILE project, where it obtained radical improvements in productivity and time to market.

Scaling up for large organisations

FLEXI applied the agile approach to improve performance in embedded software development across large, multi-site
enterprises. Problems that had to be overcome included:
– Multi-product synchronisation and cultural variations between sites and locations in large, multi-site, distributed
development environments;
– Value-chain management in a global production landscape;
– Enabling and managing innovation;
– Tool support;
– Contracting; and
– Clashes between research and business operations.

Project details

Code: 06022 (FIT-340005-2007-37; TSI-02400-2009-66)

Research areas: Services and Software Technologies

Status: Finished.

Project leader: Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Members: Angelina Espinoza; Pilar Rodríguez; Agustín Yagüe Panadero; David Musat; Jessica Díaz Fernández; Jenifer Pérez Benedí; Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Start date:01-04-2007

End date: 01-12-2009

Funding: Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo. EUREKA ITEA2

  • Recogidos con fines determinados, explícitos y legítimos, y no serán
    tratados ulteriormente de manera incompatible con dichos fines.
  • Adecuados, pertinentes y limitados a lo necesario en relación con los
    fines para los que son tratados.
  • Exactos y, si fuera necesario, actualizados, adoptando todas las medidas
    razonables para que se supriman o rectifiquen sin dilación los datos
    personales que sean inexactos con respecto a los fines para los que se

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