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Intelligent Monitoring of POwer NETworks

Research, definition, design and development of new generation IT platforms for energy management and network optimization. (15 partners from 4 European countries).

The IMPONET project won the award of Excellence 2013 in the category «Seizing the High Ground».


The development of intelligent networks (Smart Grids) is essential to efficient management and sustainable energy. The introduction of smart meters and Advanced Metering Management (AMM) systems signal the first step towards the implementation of Smart Grids, from distributed generation to demand management, whereby the information flow is integrated into a real-time platform for the operation and monitoring of the network.
With issues such as smart metering and real-time monitoring becoming crucial, the ITEA 2 IMPONET project addressed the modeling, design and implementation of a comprehensive, flexible and configurable information system to meet the most complex and advanced requirements in electrical energy management.


Project details

Research areas: Services and Software Technologies

Status: Finished

Project leader:Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Members:Jenifer Pérez Benedí; Alberto Díaz; Angelina Espinoza; Agustín Yagüe Panadero; ; Jessica Díaz Fernández; ; Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Start date:01-12-2010

End date:31-03-2013

Funding: ITEA 2 Call 4 // MITYC-Plan Avanza2.

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