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iSmart Software Factory

This project lays the foundations for the creation of a worldwide software factory to experiment with new software development methodologies and processes to create a distributed software factory concept for supporting global agile software development. The project was in the context of the international initiative «software factory».


This project lays the foundations for the creation of a worldwide software factory to experiment with new software development methodologies and processes. Both companies and universities are participating in this project at a global level. In Spain, ISL (Indra Software Labs) is leading the initiative at company level, with the close collaboration of the UPM. Internationally, the University of Helsinki, Nokia Siemens Network and ABB stand out. University-business collaboration is, therefore, a characteristic factor of the project. Research will mainly focus on agile methodologies and collaborative development techniques. Innovation and permanent improvement in the efficiency (including energy efficiency) and productivity aspects of the software development process is sought. iSSF includes the setting up of an ad-hoc room with specific hardware and software to be able to work together with the rest of the software labs worldwide. The main technical objective of the i-Smart Software Factory project is the definition of a concrete and specific framework to incorporate innovation in the development of software-intensive products through the creation of a set of infrastructures to improve the collaborative work environment of teams that are physically distributed and that aim to behave as if they formed a single work team in the same physical location.

Project details

Code: IPT-430000-2010-038

Research areas: Services and Software Technologies

Status: Finished.

Project leader: Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Members: Carlos Fernández; Carlos Salgado; Daniel López; Agustín Yagüe Panadero; Jenifer Pérez Benedí; Jessica Díaz Fernández; ; Juan Garbajosa Sopeña

Start date:01-06-2010

End date:01-06-2012

Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011.

  • Recogidos con fines determinados, explícitos y legítimos, y no serán
    tratados ulteriormente de manera incompatible con dichos fines.
  • Adecuados, pertinentes y limitados a lo necesario en relación con los
    fines para los que son tratados.
  • Exactos y, si fuera necesario, actualizados, adoptando todas las medidas
    razonables para que se supriman o rectifiquen sin dilación los datos
    personales que sean inexactos con respecto a los fines para los que se

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