Juan Sebastián Ochoa
Short bio
I am a Ph.D. student in Computing Sciences for SmartCities at the Technical School of Engineers and Computer Systems of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. I also work as a researcher in the System & Software Technology group of the same university, in the CRWODSAVING project: Crowdsensing Adaptive Architecture for efficient communities Nowadays my main interests are about Social IoT, Artificial intelligence, Computer Vision and Collective Intelligence. I am especially interested in the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Collective Intelligence for the creation of collaboration and innovation networks in order to generate solutions to tackle social problems.
In 2014, I received the degree of Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana in Cuenca-Ecuador. In 2018, thanks to a scholarship from the Ecuadorian government, I received a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Madrid-Spain.
During the last years, I have worked in different research groups, such as the Biomedical Technology Center of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, developing crowdsourcing and big data applications for the processing of data acquired from smartwatches or wearables in order to determine which factors promote obesity in children. Previously in Ecuador, I worked in computer vision techniques, developing algorithms to detect crowds of people, facial recognition, developing telemedicine applications and thermal maps for emergency incidents geolocation in Cuenca-Ecuador.